Memetakan Gerakan Buruh: Antologi Tulisan Mengenang Fauzi Abdullah

Release Date: 2012
Pages: 308
This book was published in 2012, in collaboration with Perkumpulan Sawit Watch, and Penerbit Kepik. This book is a compilation of writings that had been published before in Jurnal Kajian Perburuhan Sedane (or Jurnal Sedane for short), from 2002 to 2009. Jurnal Sedane is LIPS’ publication. This book is also a tribute to LIPS founding father, Fauzi Abdullah, who passed away in 2009. Fauzi Abdullah’s short biography written by Fahmi Panimbang and Michele Ford could also be found in this book together with Vedi Hadiz', Dawam Raharjo's, and many others.
The 307 pages book is divided into three sub themes: first, workers condition and labor union in the context of Asia regional political economy; second, the dynamics of labor union in Indonesia, and the dynamics of labor law in Indonesia as a representation of battle of interest between the state, capital and labor; third, democratic issues, conflict between labor unions, and workers welfare.